Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Anemia: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments
Power Vegetables In A Drink |
Anemia is a case where the blood of the patient lacks the normal level of RBC cells in it. It could also be caused due to a deficiency in iron which lowers the hemoglobin level of the RBC cells. Since these cells are the carriers of oxygen in the body, lack of RBCs or weak RBCs can actually lead to starvation of the whole body from oxygen.
Anemia can be traced to a number of causes and several different types. However, the most important and persistent cause of the disease remains the intake of an unbalanced diet that lacks in iron, vitamin B12 and vitamin C that helps the body to absorb iron.
Normocytic anemia is caused when the hemoglobin level of the body falls, without any change in the RBC level. Such cases can offer when the body loses a large amount of blood or there is a failure in the red bone marrow or when the body is suffering from a major and chronic disease. Failure in synthesis of hemoglobin or insufficiency of iron in the body can cause Microcytic anemia. The RBCs in this case are a lot paler in color and shrink to an abnormal size.
Megalosblastic anemia occurs due to a failure of DNA synthesis with the synthesis of RNA in the patient’s body restricting the division of the progenitor cells. Megaloblastic anemia and non-megaloblastic macrocytic anemia together form a group, called macrocytic anemia. Often Heinz bodies which may include some prescribed drugs could lead to RBCs in the body taking an abnormal shape and thus causing Heinz body anemia.
Symptoms of anemia, though vague can subtly be observed as the following:
-Excessive restlessness and easy tiring out of the body
-Fatigue due to insufficient oxygen supply throughout the body
-Increased pulse rate
-Difficulties in breathing
-Lack in concentration
Treatment of anemia is a lot tougher than it may seem, especially when the cause is the lack of iron in the body. The treatment should be done keeping in mind the cause of the disease. In acute cases, blood transfusion may be necessary to save an anemic patient. In some cases however, EPO can be injected in to the patient’s bloodstream. In fact, EPO treatments are found to reduce the need for blood transfusion to almost 50%.
Recently, some Ayurvedic herbal treatments of anemia are also being talked about. The proponents claim that patients might get considerable relief following some simple things like:
-Having bath with cold water twice a day
-Professional massages to flush out body toxins
-Practicing deep breathing exercises for ten minutes a day
-Practicing yoga and involving oneself in vibrant exercises
However, as we all know, prevention is better than cure, you should indulge yourself to a healthy diet. Even on noticing the slightest of symptoms, consult a doctor and investigate the cause so that a proper treatment regimen can be taken on time.
By James S. Pendergraft
Labels: anemia, anemia aplastic, anemia causes, anemia symptoms, anemia treatment, aplastic anemia, blood anemia, ferritina, iron deficiency anemia, pernicious anemia, sickle cell anemia, symptoms of anemia, what anemia
Friday, 23 April 2010
Lets Treat Anemia Now
Power Vegetables In A Drink |
The best thing is that the cure and control of anemia is not difficult and one can take care of it even at home. Taking bath in cold water for two times a day is very effective in controlling anemia. Keeping regularity in exercises and performing yoga like asanas, shavasanas are very helpful in maintaining good health and proper blood circulation.
A wonderful home remedy for anemia is daily intake of mix juice of beetroot and apple in equal quantities along with sugar or honey. In fact, beetroot must be included in the regular diet of an anemic patient as it has rich content of iron. Green leafy vegetables that are rich in folic acid, iron and vitamin B12 are highly recommended, such as spinach, lettuce, celery, and broccoli.
Intake of fresh and green vegetables ensures a sure relief from the problem of anemia, and it is in any way preferred more than medicines. Amongst fruits, apple is recommended after each meal for its rich iron content. Figs and citrus fruits like lemons, oranges etc are very helpful when eaten in large quantity. Black grapes, strawberries, onions, carrots, tomatoes, plums and raisins are very effective in healing anemia. Ripe banana with honey has been considered very useful in providing energy, and should be generally taken twice a day. In fact, honey taken in any form is ideal for anemic patient because of its high content of iron, manganese and copper. Soya beans and almonds are also effective in anemic condition, as these also help in synthesis of hemoglobin due to its iron content. All healthy and iron rich foods are effective in combating anemia. Pulses, whole grain cereals, dry dates and nuts are also amongst the recommended food for the home remedies for anemia.
You may also want to try these treatments:
• Boil water in a small pot and add parsley leaves. Drink several times daily to make you feel better.
• Eat lots of apples every day for more energy. You can cook the apples or eat them fresh.
• Mash 1 banana and mix with 1 tablespoon of honey, eat daily.
• Drink tomato juice.
• Eat a lot of lettuce to treat anemia; add lettuce to your salad or sandwich.
• Drink white cabbage juice daily to help you feel better and get more energy.
• Drink beetroot juice mixed with apple juice and honey to treat anemia.
• Eat spinach daily to make you stronger and help you fight the anemia naturally.
• Mix egg yolk with honey and eat one teaspoon every morning.
• Eat many almonds.
The home remedies might take longer duration to cure the problem of anemia, but is sure to cure it from root and is beneficial in the long run.
By David Klein
Labels: anemia, anemia aplastic, anemia falciforme, anemia symptoms, anemia treatment, ferritina, hemolytic anemia, iron deficiency anemia, pernicious anemia, remedies, sickle cell anemia, symptoms of anemia
Monday, 19 April 2010
Home Remedies For Anemia
Power Vegetables In A Drink |
Second Home Remedies for Anemia: Sweets ready by mixing sesame (til) seeds in syrup prepared of jaggery should be consumed. The outer husk of til seed contains a plenty of iron, and therefore, it should not be removed while making sweets.
Some other Home Remedies for Anemia:
# Consume plenty of dark green leafy vegetables. They are more excellent sources of iron.
# Soak 10 currants during the night. Take away seeds and have for three to four weeks and have first thing in the sunrise.
# Prepare a decoction among one teaspoon of liquorice (‘Mulhati’) powder and water and swallow two times a day with some honey.
# One Cup of beetroot juice and one cup of apple juice combine with either sugar or honey one time a day.
# Half to one teaspoon of the tincture of Yellow dock root three times everyday, or half to one teaspoon of take out of Dandelion leaf and or root or two capsules two times on a daily basis, or consume Dandelion greens in your salads.
# Together with sugarcane juice and apples in your diet is also very supportive in anemia.
# Try to make a food in iron pots; it is confirmed that doing it can considerably raises the quantity of iron in your foods.
# Raisins among sugar or honey consumed two times a day, which is effective cures anemia.
# Honey is very excellent for an anemic person because it helps boost the hemoglobin in the blood. It is wealthy in iron, manganese and copper.
# Combine gooseberry (amla) juice and honey to sugarcane juice and swallow on a daily basis to ward off anemia.
# The juice of sour grapes is an extra more successful home remedy for anorexia. The juice of these grapes should be used in kneading the flour earlier than making chapattis. Chapattis made in this method should be eaten always for two to three weeks.
# Make confident you are consumption plenty of iron wealthy food, such as, dried fruits, bran flake, oysters, brown rice, liver, green leafy vegetable, beets, lentils and molasses, raisins, prunes; breads and pastas ready from whole grain flour.
# Take one teaspoon of the crush of the dried out root of banana with milk two times a day every day.
# Stays away from drinking tea, coffee and ingesting antacids, because they reduce iron absorption.
# Prepare a combination by adding one tablespoon poppy seeds, one teaspoon edible gum, 1 teaspoon cardamom powder, 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg (jaiphal) powder, and two tablespoon sugar, and break up to a powder. Take this powder every two hours.
# Due to the iron well-off content of fig (Anjeer), it is supreme to contain it in ones diet in anemia.
# During the pregnancy it's very essential to take the proper vitamins that will help you and as well as your baby to be healthy.
# Prepare a mixture of 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice, 1/2 teaspoon of ginger juice, and 1/4 teaspoon of pepper powder and drink it. This is a very helpful home cure for weakness.
# The fruit and leaves of Ash Gourd (‘petha’) are dried up and make a powdered. One teaspoon of this powder is taken on a daily basis with one glass of buttermilk.
By Dr.Jenny Hobson
Labels: anemia, anemia aplastic, anemia falciforme, anemia symptoms, anemia treatment, aplastic anemia, ferritina, hemolytic anemia, iron deficiency anemia, pernicious anemia, sickle cell anemia, symptoms of anemia
Thursday, 15 April 2010
Anemia: Symptoms, Causes And Treatment
Power Vegetables In A Drink |
Anemia is usually detected or at least confirmed by a complete blood cell (CBC) count. It is the common blood disorder. There are several kinds of anemia, produced by a variety of underlying causes. Anemia can be classified in a variety of ways, based on the morphology of RBCs. It is found in the person when the number of red blood cells in your blood is low. For this reason, doctors sometimes describe anemia as having a low blood count
Symptoms of anemia:
• Feeling of restless and loss of energy.
• Fatigue -- occur because organs aren't getting enough oxygen.
• Unusually rapid heart beat, particularly with exercise.
• Shortness of breath and headache in exercise also
• Difficulty in concentrating on something
Types & causes of Anemia
1) Macrocytic anemia: Macrocytic anemia can be further divided into "megaloblastic anemia" or "non-megaloblastic macrocytic anemia". The cause of megaloblastic anemia is primarily a failure of DNA synthesis with preserved RNA synthesis, which result in restricted cell division of the progenitor cells.
2) Microcytic anemia: Microcytic anemia caused due to hemoglobin synthesis failure or insufficiency .Iron deficiency anemia is the common type of anemia so it has many causes. RBCs often appear hypochromic (paler than usual) and microcytic (smaller than usual) when viewed with a microscope
3) Normocytic anemia :Normocytic anaemia causes when the overall Hb levels are decreased, but the red blood cell size (MCV) remains normal. Causes include:
• Accurate blood loss
• Anemia of chronic disease
• Bone marrow failure Aplastic anemia
• Hemolytic anemia
4) Heinz body anemia: Heinz bodies are an abnormality that forms on the cells in this condition. This form of anemia may be brought on by taking certain medications; it is also triggered in cats by eating onions or acetaminophen (Tylenol). It can be triggered in dogs by ingesting onions or zinc and in horses by ingesting dry Red Maple leaves.
There are more than 400 types of anemia found in the medical science, which are divided into 3 groups
• Anemia caused by decreased or faulty red blood cell production
• Anemia caused by destruction of red blood cells
• Anemia caused by blood loss
5) Dimorphic anemia : When two causes of anemia act simultaneously, e.g., macrocytic hypochromic due to hookworminfestation leading to deficiency of both iron and vitamin B12or folic acid or following a blood transfusion more than one abnormality of red cell indices may be seen
Treatments of Anemia
To over come the problem of anemia,
1) A proper diet including green vegetables is must
2) Consult with doctor or physician to diagnose the type of anemia and treatment options
3) Take proper nourishments, vitamins and nutritional supplements - Iron, B12 or folic acid
4) Infections treatment , inflammations or malignancies
5) Blood transfusions provides red blood cell transfusions for bleeding and/or severe chronic anemias can save the life of a person.
6) Red cell transfusions are the old mainstay, which offers the quickest relief for anemias provided proper consultation should be taken as several risks are associated with transfusion.
By Manika Batta
Labels: anemia, anemia aplastic, anemia falciforme, anemia symptoms, aplastic anemia, ferritina, hemolytic anemia, iron deficiency anemia, pernicious anemia, sickle cell anemia
Sunday, 11 April 2010
Anemia Awareness – Where It Counts
Power Vegetables In A Drink |
This month is sickle cell anemia awareness month, and for those who don’t know, its time to get familiar with this lifelong syndrome affecting thousands. Anemia, meaning a lower than average red blood cell count, makes you tired, causes pain, and makes it harder to get things done: your oxygen is more infrequently replenished that in a body housing healthy red blood cells. Health red blood cells are donut shaped. Sickle cells are moon shaped, and its their shape that makes then move more slowly and sometimes get stuck in your tubes.
Tiny but important, blood cells are essential to the running of your body. Sickle cell anemia is passed through the genes. If your parents have it, you have a high chance of having it too. African Americans carry the disease to the degree of one in 12. It doesn’t mean one in 12 have the disease, but it does mean that if two in 24 get together, they could make children who have the problem. With good medication, and nutrition, a sickle cell anemic can live quite well, but with more awareness and screening, cases will be discovered earlier and preventative action put in place from the start.
Symptoms of sickle cell anemia are irritating (literally), but can all be overlooked without care. Anemia symptoms (sickle cell) include fatigue, joint and abdominal pain, irritability, yellow discoloration of the skin and eyes, leg sores, gum disease, frequent respiratory infections. People with sickle cell anemia might end up with further anemia symptoms later on in life: blindness, and periods of prolonged, sometimes painful erections in males. People with sickle cell anemia can have anemia symptoms of severe pain in the arms, legs, chest, and abdomen that may be accompanied by fever, nausea, and difficulty breathing.
Dietary habits help
People with sickle cell anemia suffer from many nutrient deficiencies, but preliminary research on dietary habits shows that food and nutrient intake by sickle cell patients in general meets or exceeds recommendations and is not significantly different from healthy controls.1 2 3 This suggests the higher rate of nutrient deficiencies may be due to an increased need for many nutrients in sickle cell patients. The effectiveness of dietary interventions in supplying adequate nutrition to meet these higher demands has not been examined. Health care practitioners typically advise people with sickle cell anemia to avoid high altitudes, to maintain an adequate fluid intake, and to receive vaccinations. Occasionally bone marrow transplants are recommended.
By Lac Tran
Labels: anemia, anemia aplastic, anemia falciforme, anemia hemolytic, anemia pernicious, aplastic anemia, ferritina, hemolytic anemia, iron deficiency anemia, pernicious anemia, sickle cell anemia, talasemia
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
Anemia Does Not Have To Be Pernicious Any More!
Power Vegetables In A Drink |
The name "pernicious anemia" was coined in 1872 by the German physician Anton Biermer because it was often fatal as there were yet no treatments available. The disease, even today, can be severe if it is not treated in time. It is especially common in older adults.
Vitamin B12 deficiency can be caused by a number of factors. A diet low in this vitamin, like a strict vegetarian diet that excludes meat, fish, dairy products and eggs is the main culprit. However, most of the average North American diets of today are sadly lacking in B12. Breastfed infants of strict vegetarian mothers can develop anemia in a short time because they don't have enough vitamin B12 stored in their bodies.
Chronic alcoholics and the aged are prime targets for this disease as they tend not to eat nutritious meals and have digestive troubles. The main causes are insufficient stomach acid, or Intrinsic Factor, to digest food in the intestine, parasite infections, an overabundance of intestinal bacteria, and medicine. B12 is very hard to digest and is dependent on sufficient Intrinsic Factor to be absorbed from the intestines into the blood stream. Celiac disease, a genetic disorder of intolerance to gluten, and Crohn's disease, an inflammatory bowel disease, can also precipitate anemia.
The main risk factors for developing pernicious anemia include a family history of pernicious anemia, diabetes, a malfunctioning thyroid, and intestinal disorders.
The most common symptom of anemia is feeling tired and weak. As anemic blood is not carrying enough oxygen, it causes the heart to work harder to get enough oxygen to the body's organs and tissues. There is a plethora of other symptoms. These include a smooth bright red tongue, pale or yellowish skin, low-grade fever, mental changes, nervous disorders, dizziness, shortness-of-breath, heart palpitations, tingling and numbness in hands and feet, giddiness, and digestive disorders.
As mild to moderate anemia may have no signs or symptoms, it may initially be hard to discover.
Anemia is usually diagnosed by a general practitioner by means of checks on your family and medical history, physical examinations, and diagnostic tests and procedures including a complete blood count (CBC).Depending on the symptoms and/or conditions, neurologists, cardiologists, hematologists and gastroenterologists may diagnose your condition.
Typical treatment for pernicious anemia is lifelong vitamin B12 injections. A lack of folic acid, however, can also cause anemia. Due to the lack of vitamin B12 and folic acid, the arteries of an anemic person are clogged with homocysteine as well. Without treatment, therefore, pernicious anemia can cause serious problems and can be fatal.
People with pernicious anemia also have an increased risk for developing stomach cancer and should be closely monitored by their health professionals.
The good news, and yes there is good news, is that you can not only prevent this condition, but also treat it naturally and without painful, expensive injections! A tiny sublingual tablet combining B12, B6 and Folic acid is now available to cleanse arteries as well as boost both mood and energy speedily as it dissolves directly into the blood stream! These three vital vitamins each work best when combined with the others.
Enjoy your health. It's your most precious commodity. Remember, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!
All material provided is for informational and educational purposes only, and is not to be construed as medical advice or instruction.
It is of utmost importance that you do your own due diligence. Consult with your physician or a qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health and well-being or regarding any findings expressed herein.
If you are taking any prescription medication, consult with your physician about possible side effects before taking any supplement
By Ann Stewart
Labels: anemia, anemia aplastic, anemia falciforme anemia pernicious, anemia hemolytic, aplastic anemia, ferritina, hemolytic anemia, iron deficiency anemia, pernicious anemia, sickle cell anemia, talasemia
Sunday, 4 April 2010
Anemia During Pregnancy
Power Vegetables In A Drink |
Although anemia is caused by an iron deficiency in your body, you will not need to worry too much about your baby, since he will be sure to get as much iron from you as he needs. Your baby will only be in danger of suffering from anemia if the situation is completely ignored.
How will I be able to tell if I am anemic?
Anemia should be easily identifiable in the blood tests that you take frequently throughout your pregnancy. The baby will start drawing on your iron reserves much more heavily around week 20, so you may develop anemia later in your pregnancy.
Common symptoms of anemia during pregnancy include:
* Feeling exhausted or weak
* Pale or light skin
* Fainting spells
* Palpitations
* Breathlessness
Who is most at risk?
Pregnant women who have poor nutrition, due to nausea and vomiting or simply bad habits, are more at risk of developing anemia. Also, women who are carrying multiple fetuses may be at a higher risk, as two babies will deplete iron stores twice as much. Women who have two or more pregnancies relatively close together may be at risk for similar reasons.
How much iron should I be getting?
The recommended daily allowance of iron is around 15mg for women trying to conceive. Pregnant women will need to consume about twice that much each day. Your health care provider may advise you to start taking an iron supplement, although these are known to cause constipation, nausea, and vomiting. It may be wise to simply try and include many iron rich foods such as spinach, dried fruits, or liver in your diet.
Keep in mind that your choice of beverages and other foods will affect your rate of iron absorption. Consuming foods rich in vitamin C along with the iron rich foods will facilitate absorption, while consuming caffeine will hinder it.
By Susan Tanner
Labels: anemia, anemia aplastic, anemia causes, anemia hemolytic, anemia pernicious, anemia treatment, aplastic anemia, blood anemia, ferritina, pernicious anemia, sickle cell anemia, talasemia, what anemia
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